Group owners and users with the correct permissions can manage spam in the following ways.
Note: Marking a group or its content as spam doesn’t unsubscribe you from the group. To unsubscribe, follow the steps in Leave a group or unsubscribe from emails.
Mark content as spam
Requires the Who can view conversations permission.
Content you mark as spam is hidden from your view. It isn’t hidden for other group members, however.
When you mark content as spam, Google receives a copy of the content and may analyze it to help protect users from spam and abuse. Google contacts report submitters only if more details are needed.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- (Optional) To locate a group that you don’t own, in the left panel, click All groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- Point to a conversation and then check the box beside it.
- In the upper right, click Report abuse
Delete content that contains spam
Requires the Who can moderate content permission.
You can’t restore messages after you delete them.
- Sign in to Google Groups.
- (Optional) To locate a group that you don’t own, in the left panel, click All groups.
- Click the name of a group.
- Point to a conversation and then check the box beside it.
- In the upper right, click Delete
If you find that you are still having trouble, please submit a service request spelling out the specifics of the message that needs to be removed, i.e. date and time that the message was received and we will assist further.