Sponsored Account FAQ


Answers to frequently asked questions regarding Sponsored accounts.


When is a Sponsored account needed?

It is needed when an individual is not directly affiliated with the University, but needs access to University technology resources such as the wireless network, VPN, email or Cardinal applications.


How does a Sponsored account differ from a regular account?

Sponsored accounts are accounts which:

  • Have to be “sponsored” (requested) by a department.
    Note: Any active Catholic University Staff or Faculty member is able to request a sponsored account.That individual will be responsible for the account and its status. These accounts need to be approved by the cognizant Vice President or the Provost.
  • Are active for one year or less, but can be extended annually if needed.
  • Have limited access.
  • Have a Username, Cardinal ID number, and Cardinal Mail Gmail email address.
  • Can access the Mullen Library (if a Visiting Scholar or Visiting Student account).
  • Password changes are required every 180 days. However, if no Date of Birth and Social Security Number were provided when the sponsored account was established, a password reset is only possible at the Service Desk.


Can a Sponsored account be requested for a Faculty/Staff member to provide early access to Catholic University resources?

No. Sponsored accounts may not be used for early access for future Faculty or Staff hires. If a Sponsored account is created for this purpose, it will cause a number of issues for the employee.

Note: Faculty members may be provided access to their Catholic University accounts and resources 30 days prior to their official start date, assuming all documents have been accepted by the Office of Human Resources.
Note: Staff accounts are activated on their official start date. 


How can I request a Sponsored account?

Sponsored accounts are requested using the Sponsored Account Request Form web page. Once submitted, the sponsor must print the form received in email and have it fully signed, and then email it as instructed.




Article ID: 109150
Wed 6/3/20 11:46 AM
Sun 1/10/21 12:57 AM